Getting help with legal issues for someone you are caring for
The NHS Choices service has information on some legal issues that carers may need to be aware of. It includes a helpline called Carers Direct which provides free information and advice to carers on many different subjects.
Visit the NHSsite to find out more.
Carers UK is a charity that has information on many different aspects of life as a carer, and the challenges that come with supporting people to manage their personal affairs. This includes some legal matters.
Visit the Carers UK website to find out more.
Finding a lawyer to talk to
If you want to talk to a lawyer about the legal needs of someone you are caring for, you can read more about the different types of lawyer on the 'Types of lawyers' page.
The organisation Solicitors for the Elderly is a national organisation of lawyers that specialise in providing legal advice for older and vulnerable people, families and carers.
You can search for lawyers in different areas of the country to talk to. You may also find that there are other charities that can offer support to people in the same situation as the person you care for. A quick search online will take you to the website that best fits the situation.
They should be able to advise you if they can suggest a law firm or a lawyer that might be able to offer help. If you are looking to talk to a lawyer about legal situations involving people with dementia or other mental health problems, the Legal Services Board has published two factsheets that may help:
Other information about legal rights for vulnerable people
The Government's website includes information about people's rights, and the types of support that disabled people in particular are entitled to.