If you need immigration advice you can see an immigration adviser regulated by the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA). You can also use a:

This page looks at immigration advisers regulated by the IAA.

What do immigration advisers do?

Immigration advisers can help you with immigration and asylum claims. They can help make applications to the Home Office and help with appeals against immigration and asylum decisions.

Immigration advisers can be experts in certain areas – like business immigration or asylum and protection cases. Immigration advisers can only offer advice and services at the level allowed to by the IAA.

The three levels are:

  • Level 1 – Advice and assistance
  • Level 2 – Casework
  • Level 3 – Advocacy and representation

Immigration advisers can work on:

  • Applications to enter or remain in the UK
  • Unlawful entry into the UK
  • Nationality and citizenship (admission, residency and citizenship of Member States of the EU)

Asylum and protection

  • Applications for Asylum and Humanitarian Protection

Judicial review case management

  • Find a barrister who can work on a Judicial Review application for you

Who regulates immigration advisers?

The IAA regulates immigration advisers who charge a fee or give free advice.

It is illegal for anyone who is not UK regulated or qualified to give immigration advice.

How are you protected if you use an immigration adviser?

An immigration adviser must follow the Code of Standards and Guidance on Competence. This means that you should expect to get a high standard of work.

An immigration adviser must have professional indemnity insurance. So if you end up in financial loss from getting poor advice, the insurance will help protect you.

What do I do if something goes wrong with my immigration adviser?

If you aren't happy with your immigration adviser, don't be afraid to speak up. Tell them what's gone wrong, and ask them to put things right.

If you are still unhappy, you can make a formal complaint. Immigration advisers must have a complaint scheme should things go wrong.

To complain to the IAA , you can fill in the IAA Complaints Form. The form tells you how you can complain.

How should I pay for an immigration adviser?

Find out how you can pay for legal advice and services in the Legal Costs section.

Where can I find an immigration adviser?

You can find an IAA regulated immigration adviser on the IAA register.

You can search for an IAA regulated immigration adviser in your area.

Citizens Advice across the UK provide immigration advice and services which are regulated by the IAA.

Find out more on how you can search for an immigration adviser.